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"Cleaning all Teams" - 4 Mar 2021
'Cleaning all Teams Spring' is almost here and what better time than now to check in, catch up and make sure details are correct.
Whilst we continue to work on our return to play, we are asking all teams to complete the below registration. This will capture various details about your team to allow us to update our records.
We ask as well that you complete this for each team you have within your club, and this is usually done by the coach or General Manager. So, if you have an U13 team, U18 team and senior, you need to complete this 3 times.

New teams are welcome to register as well. This will also be used for our return to play, as well as allow us to provide more data to Sport UK on our recognition application process. We then hope to be able to update our records to more accurately contact with clubs and organisations.
Visit this page to get started...
Registration Forms - Team Registration
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